Sunday, September 25, 2011

Twitter Day

C. A. Stewart
New AchiKachi! Talkin' about how bad games don't always have to be THAT bad.   
Matthew Inman
A new Facebook layout, you say? 
David Halpert
Just uploaded a video, "TOP 15 Reasons Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is Awesome!"  (youtube link)
Fantasy SF News
Michelle Branch's Another Sun music video for Terra Nova 
Rumor of the Day: And the lead in Akira goes to ... Zac Efron?
Anime Oxide Bleach
Game of Thrones Season 2 Casting    

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pony Day - Panzyo Dubs

We skipped webcomic day because we were too busy being excited about ponies. Anyway, one of our team mates has a few fan dubs of pony clips.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blog Day - Ralph Horsley

Ralph Horsley is an artist for Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games. He does book covers, Magic cards, and other great stuff. His blog features a lot of his work, including things that aren't released yet.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Posting Schedule

This blog will regularly post updates through out the month to provide quick reading material and information between magazine issues. There will be some scheduled days each month with assigned topics, which are listed below. For future reference, you can always find this information up to date at the page along the top of our blog.

5th - Flash Game Day
We'll link you up with a flash game to occupy you for a few minutes. 

10th - Blog Day
We'll feature a blog that does fantasy, sci-fi, or gaming things like we do. 

15th - Merchandise Day
Cool stuff to buy from all over the web. 

20th - Pony Day
For all you bronies out there. 

25th - Twitter Day
A compilation of a few interesting tweets from the accounts we follow on Twitter.

Last Day of the Month - New issue! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Call for Team Members

Would you like to join the team as a regular contributor? Here's what were currently looking for:

  • People who can write general articles on events related to fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming
  • Anime reviewers
  • TV show reviewers
  • Movie reviewers
  • Book reviewers
  • Comic artists who can contribute monthly comics

About the Current Team
We are three people that know each other in real life and get together to play games and talk about random things. Most of the blogs and written content are done by me, Audrey. We do Dragon's Claw related things in a Facebook group, where it's easy to keep track of everything in documents and notifications are instant. Being on Facebook is a definite plus if you want to apply.

If you'd like to join our team, I've set up an application. It's only 15 questions long, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. We look forward to finding new people to contribute. :)